Therapeutic Injectables in Cairns

New advancements in injectable therapy help to provide more (virtually) pain-free options for patients

Many patients relate dental technology to pieces of equipment like high-tech lasers and 3D printing. However, technology goes much further than that. Recent advancements in medical technology have developed new products and techniques that are used every day in dental offices. 

Therapeutic injectable use has become a much more popular form of oral therapy in recent times, especially in a dental environment. As dentists spend each day working on the inside of clients’ mouths, they know facial anatomy better than most. 

What can therapeutic injectables treat?

The team at Future Dental use safe and effective muscle relaxants to treat a range of issues including: 

  • Orofacial and craniofacial pain 
  • Neck and shoulder pain through the trapezius, splenius capitis, and deeper strap muscles of the neck 
  • TMJ pain 
  • TMD/MPD (temporomandibular disorders) 
  • Myofascial pain dysfunction 
  • Tension-type headaches 
  • Migraines 

It can also be used in the treatment of trigeminal neuralgia (for which you will be referred to a Neurologist), a debilitating painful form of nerve pain and nerve tissue regeneration, as well as other nerve injuries. It has also shown great results for intra and peri-oral wound healing. 

Additionally, therapeutic injections can also have the cosmetic benefit of reducing the appearance of gummy smiles in a quick timeframe.  

How do muscle relaxants work?

Muscle relaxants are an injection treatment option that is designed to calm down the skeletal muscles which are accountable for voluntary movement. 

Muscle relaxants can either act directly on a muscle (peripheral) or centrally, but most are central acting when it comes to relieving pain. However, we aren’t entirely sure how they do their job. The relaxants act directly on a muscle, but they don’t act on it directly to relax the muscle. In other words, they don’t stop the release or crossing of the neurotransmitter, so the muscle is still able to work ever so slightly. 

Therapeutic Injectable Use from Future Dental Cairns

Future Dental is an AADFA Australasian Academy of Dentofacial Aesthetics and AAFE American Academy of Facial Esthetics trained and approved practice for use of wrinkle and line relaxation for the facial region.  

AADFA or the Australasian Academy of Dentofacial Aesthetics is recognised as the most thorough and intensive training in the use of facial cosmetic therapeutic injectables. No one knows more about the relationship between your face, facial muscles and your teeth and gums than an AADFA trained dental surgeon. 

There are very few side effects related to the use of therapeutic injectables here at Future Dental. The most common ones are a small amount of bleeding at the injection site and occasional bruising and swelling in the injection area.  

These will be discussed with you in detail at your consultation. 

Make an Enquiry

  • Phone (07) 4051 4580
  • Fax (07) 4031 5226
  • Email
  • Address Ground Floor "Accent on McLeod"
    93-95 McLeod St

    Cairns QLD 4870
  • Hours
    Monday8:00am - 5:00pm
    Tuesday8:00am - 5:00pm
    Wednesday8:00am - 5:00pm
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