Cairns Children’s Dentist

At Future Dental, we believe it is best to bring your child to the dentist from a young age

We encourage bringing your children to see the dentist from the age of 2-3. Waiting until they experience a problem, such as decay or a toothache, can mean that the dental visit turns traumatic for them. This may have a negative effect on your child’s dental experiences in the future.

We have concentrated all the ancillary equipment and materials specifically needed for the dental care of children in their own specialised surgeries. Very specialised equipment for the earliest possible detection of dental problems is located in our therapists’ clinics, including Australia’s first installed Vistaproof Diagnostic Laser. This incredible piece of technology is a totally non-invasive tool that detects the very earliest stages of tooth decay before it requires extensive treatment, often facilitating re-mineralising of early decay without the need for fillings. This may occur by “healing” early decay by ozone treatment and/or by an accurate electronic bacterial count monitor device used by a simple swab of your teeth.

The use of specifically dedicated mouth rinses can reverse susceptibility to tooth decay by creating an oral environment which is incompatible with bacteria that cause tooth decay.

Dental decay in children

Dental cavities (decay) can have a large impact on children’s well-being and overall health. It is also considered to be one of the most common chronic childhood diseases.

We have many parents enquiring about the use of fixing up decayed baby teeth as they are going to fall out anyway. However, it is very important to keep the baby teeth until they are due to fall out naturally. Below are a few reasons why;

  • They hold the space for adult teeth to come through correctly.
  • Repairing decayed baby teeth can prevent your child from having costly braces later on.
  • If decay is left in a tooth it can destroy the nerve of the tooth and cause symptoms such as pain and swelling.
  • Many children are hospitalised every year from large painful tooth abscess’s occurring from baby teeth.
  • Decay is also transmissible, it can spread from one tooth to another – this can have a direct impact on the health of adult teeth.
  • Research also indicates that the more regular children are in attending their dental clinic, the less likely they to suffer dental caries.

$1095 for eligible children aged 0-17 years. Parents receive notification by Medicare if their children hold entitlement to this service.

We are proud to support The Child Dental Benefits Schedule that allows your child to receive $1095 in general dental services over a two-year period. Dental fees are paid directly to us and reclaimed to the limit back from MedicareThis new government-funded initiative, administered through Medicare, has replaced the Teen Dental Voucher System and is assisting up to 3.4 million Australians receiving the dental treatment their children require.

Is your child eligible to receive the Child Dental Benefits Scheme?

We can check your child’s eligibility; all you need to do is provide us with your Medicare number.

Children aged 0 to 17 who meet certain means testing are eligible for the CDBS. Families eligible for Family Tax Benefit Part A (FTB-A) or certain other government payments can take advantage of the CDBS. For more information on eligibility and qualifying, we recommend phoning the Department of Human Services on 132 011 or visit their website here.

Child Dental Benefits Scheme covers general dentistry, which where appropriate can include:

  • Regular check-up professional clean and examination every 6 months
  • X-rays
  • Fissure sealants
  • Some extractions
  • Partial dentures
  • Fillings

We understand that parents can have conflicting concerns regarding treating younger children in particular when they are fresh and rested in the mornings and not wishing to take them out of school for their dental visits. Children under the age of 10 are best treated in the mornings rather than in the afternoons, particularly after school hours when they are tired and the treatment places more stress on them and their parents.

Having said that, we do not like to see them missing school any more than you do.
We have found with many years of experience that these conflicting interests can best be balanced out by either alternating their appointments between mornings and after school. Probably the best solution of all is to come during school holiday periods, then younger children can be placed at times best for them.

Teenagers are far better able to be seen in the afternoons. Also, school is a higher priority on their time in this age. Again, seeing them from about 2pm or 3.30pm should probably be alternated because even they are more relaxed at 2pm than 3.30pm or later. This way, simply removing them from school for the last one or two lessons is easier on them than taking them out of school and returning them after school, especially if they may possibly have a numb jaw if fillings are required.

Pre-booking your child for their next visit in 6 months at the completion of their treatment gives parents far greater flexibility in being able to select the best times to suit their children’s ages and school demands.


Is your child Eligible to receive the Child Dental Benefits Scheme?

We can check your child’s eligibility; all you need to do is provide us with your Medicare number, reference number, full name and date of birth.

Children aged 2 to 17 who meet certain means testing are eligible for the CDBS. Families eligible for Family Tax Benefit Part A (FTB-A) or certain other government payments can take advantage of the CDBS. For more information on eligibility and qualifying we recommend phoning the Department of Human Services on 132 011 or visit their website here.

Dental caries (decay) can have a large impact on children’s well-being and overall health and is considered to be one of the most common chronic childhood diseases.

Milk teeth are very important for your child’s current and future dental health. Some of the reasons as to why they’re so important include:

  • They hold the space for adult teeth to come through correctly.
  • Repairing decayed baby teeth can prevent you child from having costly braces later on.
  • If decay is left in a tooth it can destroy the nerve of the tooth and cause symptoms such as pain and swelling.
  • Many children are hospitalised every year from large painful tooth abscess’s occurring from baby teeth.
  • Decay is also transmissible, it can spread from one tooth to another – this can have a direct impact on the health of adult teeth.
  • Research also indicates that the more regular children are in attending their dental clinic, the less likely they to suffer dental caries.

Child Dental Benefits Scheme covers general dentistry, which where appropriate can include:

  • Regular check-up professional clean and examination every 6 months
  • X-rays
  • Fissure sealants
  • Some extractions
  • Partial dentures
  • Fillings
  • IV sedation (claimable one every 12 month period)
  • Nitrous oxide (children’s dental anxiety treatment)

When should I bring my child in for their first dental check-up?

It’s a good idea to bring your child in for check-ups from a young age. In fact, we encourage you to start your child’s regular dental check-ups from the age of two or three years old. If you wait until your child experiences a problem, like tooth decay they may associate dental visits with pain and stress. Well meaning adults often create anxiety in a child who has never seen a dentist before by things they say about dentists. This can have a negative effect on your child’s dental visits in the future. 

Who will treat my child?

At Future Dental, we have a very gentle and experienced dental team, and your child may be treated by either Dr Bob Gibbins and Dr Abhay Gupta. All of our dentists are available to treat CDBS patients, but most will see Dr Abhay Gupta.

Where will my child be treated?

At Future Dental, we have concentrated all of the ancillary equipment and materials needed for the treatment of children in their own specialised surgeries. Some of the specialised equipment that we use includes a Diagnocam and a Vistaproof Diagnostic Laser and Microlux which are highly innovative pieces of technology that detect the earliest stages of tooth decay before things become more difficult to manage in a young child. 

We will also check if your child is already approved for up to $1000 in dental care under the Medicare Child Dental Benefit Scheme. This benefit goes from 2 to up to the 18th birthday and is refreshed every two years.

Cairns Children’s Dentist

Your family gets the best value for money (with all the expertise of the dentists available) by entrusting your children’s dental care to our therapists.

For more information on your baby or toddlers oral health, visit the Australian Dental Association’s page, Let’s talk Baby teeth.

Make an Enquiry

  • Phone (07) 4051 4580
  • Fax (07) 4031 5226
  • Email
  • Address Ground Floor "Accent on McLeod"
    93-95 McLeod St

    Cairns QLD 4870
  • Hours
    Monday8:00am - 5:00pm
    Tuesday8:00am - 5:00pm
    Wednesday8:00am - 5:00pm
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