Archive for the ‘Latest News and Information’ Category:

Could your smile benefit from cosmetic dentistry?

cosmetic dentistry

Your smile can be your finest physical asset, gives you a good chance at creating a great first impression and is one of your most convincing forms of communication.   If you are interested in cosmetic dentistry but are unsure of what treatment is right for you, Dr Bob Gibbins…

Is snoring ruining your sleep?

Is snoring ruining your sleep? | Surf Pacific

Not everyone who snores has sleep apnoea but this doesn’t mean you – or your partner – don’t suffer from the snoring. At Future Dental, we successfully treat patients who suffer from the medical condition obstructive sleep apnoea. OSA is a breathing disorder and has been linked to other harmful…

What can you expect from us at Future Dental?

future dental cairns

[embed][/embed] What can you expect from us at Future Dental? Probably what you will not expect from us is more relevant to you. We have unfortunately seen many trends and changes in dentistry since the mid-seventies. In those days doctors and dentists were believed and even held with some esteem. Professional…

Is your health insurance worth the cost?

health insurance cost

With the announcement of a 5.59% hike in the average price of private health insurance, Australian consumer advocate group CHOICE says some consumers may be better off dropping their extras cover. CHOICE head of media Tom Godfrey said consumers need to ask themselves why they have private health insurance. “Is…

Advantages of Cfast braces

At Future Dental, we are proud to be the only dentist in Cairns offering the revolutionary Cfast orthodontic system, which can straighten adult teeth in as little as eight weeks. Simple and subtle, the Cfast system uses almost-invisible braces which focus on your “social six” teeth – the front teeth…

Relief from sleep-disorder breathing with Oventus Clearway Device™

Australian first, breakthrough in sleep-disordered breathing treatments introduces the Oventus Clearway Device™; a custom-made mouthguard which redirects air flow to bypass breathing obstructions. Oventus Clearway Device™ Future Dental has recently become one of a select number of authorised Clearway clinicians across Australia to deliver the ground-breaking new mouthguard to treat…

Baby Boomers Have Unique Oral Health Issues

We baby boomers are now in our late 50’s and 60’s and some even nudging 70.  Some of us are already retired and the rest are not far off. We are expecting to live quite a bit longer than our parents did and most of us have more of our…

What can you expect from crowns at Future Dental?

Firstly we provide same-day crowns (constructed using E4D CADCAM technology) in the majority of cases made from video scans usually taken directly in the mouth in place of impressions. The material choice is Emax Porcelain, the most robust of all the All-Ceramic Crown materials. This material is highly aesthetic and…

Morning breath is perfectly normal

Morning breath is perfectly normal - here's why and how to deal with it. Our saliva flow slows down greatly over night when it is needed less and the drying out (inspisation) of our saliva and mucus membranes allows a large build-up of VSCs. If we lie on our backs…

Dental extras health insurance – is it really worth it?

Rethink Your Ancillary Cover – Official policy of the Australian Dental Association On April 1, 2014 new premiums for private health insurance took effect. With Private Health Insurance premiums for the 2014 increasing by 6.2 per cent health fund members have to rethink their insurance cover. With dental fees over the…

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  • Phone (07) 4051 4580
  • Fax (07) 4031 5226
  • Email
  • Address Ground Floor "Accent on McLeod"
    93-95 McLeod St

    Cairns QLD 4870
  • Hours
    Monday8:00am - 5:00pm
    Tuesday8:00am - 5:00pm
    Wednesday8:00am - 5:00pm
It is a requirement for all persons (including accompanying person/s) who enter Future Dental to scan the QR code and fill in a COVID screen.
Did you know you’re at more risk of cracking teeth with those old silver “Amalgam” fillings? Talk to us about amalgam replacement!
The wait is over!You don’t have to wait weeks for your crowns, talk to us about E4D crowns and One Visit Crowns
Did you know? Untreated Obstructive Sleep Apnoea can increase risk of serious health problems like heart attack and stroke
FACT - Dry mouth leaves you at risk of decay, and we can help with your dry mouth.
Lip and Tongue Tie can affect your baby’s growth and development, come and see Dr Bob about how we can help.
Did you know regular efficient flossing keeps not just your teeth, but your gums healthy too? Talk to us about Dental Hygiene
FACT – sometimes migraines are caused by grinding your teeth! Talk to us about Occlusal Therapy and Migraine Treatment and Therapeutic Injectables
Teeth Whitening has never been so easy! Ask us why.
Straightening your teeth doesn’t have to mean braces, talk to us about ClearCorrect